Meaning of Caona

Caona represents strength and femininity, drawing inspiration from cultures worldwide. Our name is influenced by Anacaona, a respected Taíno queen, whose name means 'Golden Flower'. We've chosen a golden flower as our logo to honor this connection. Additionally, 'Caona' echoes the word 'woman' in two different languages: 'kona' in Icelandic and 'on'na' in Japanese. In essence, Caona stands for empowerment, understanding, and a shared strength among women worldwide.

Who, What, Why Caona Health?

We are Caona Health, your expert in Female Health and Digital Health. Our Mission is to take on the silent struggles of Women’s Health and close the Gender Health Gap. We want to femalize digital healthcare and foster communication between health experts and patients. As a female lead start up we are inspire and motivated by our own expertise, experiences and the experiences of millions of women worldwide.

Our Founder, Expertise and Story

Hi! Ich bin Bea, die Gründerin von CAONA HEALTH.

  • Female Expertise - Yes Please!
  • It’s personal!/A personal matter!/Personal Experience
  • Caona: strength and femininity

Our Team

Beschreibungstext zur Person/Pia Oder Elisa

Beschreibungstext zur Person/Pia Oder Elisa/Bea

Beschreibungstext zur Person/Pia Oder Elisa

Silent Struggles of Women's Health

Menstrual pain, PMS, and menopausal symptoms have a significant impact not only on women's well-being, but also the economy. Globally, these issues contribute to substantial productivity losses, healthcare expenses, and reduced quality of life for millions of women.


PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)

90% of women experience at least one symptom of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), such as mood swings, headaches, fatigue, or depression.1


Menstrual Pain

80% of women suffer from menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea), painful sensations in the lower abdomen during menstruation.2


Menopausal Symptoms

Menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes and mood changes, affect about 85% of women, resulting in reduced work engagement and increased healthcare costs.3


Fembassador Network

Let’s unite! Caona Fembassadors is community of smart, wonderful beings to exchange ideas, share knowledge and support each other.

We have monthly coffee talks and meetups about female health and enterpreneurship.

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